
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

alameda flea market: the happiest place on earth

Please forgive me, blog for you have been far from top-of-mind lately. No excuses, just simply not in any sort of creative writing mood. Hey, it happens...
So, a few weeks ago I was finally able to do something I've been meaning to do for months and months and months now. And no, I'm not talking about backing up my hard drive (that's still on my to do list). I'm talking about living out the miracle of setting a 6am alarm on a Saturday night and actually waking up to it the following Sunday morning to go to the Alemeda Flea Market.
Let me tell you, it was well worth every minute of lost sleep as I'm sure the owner of the below shopping cart would agree.
I don't know what this says about my character, but I think I'd be more excited at the prospect of spending a day exploring the Alameda Flea Market than I would be about spending a day shaking hands with Mini and going down Splash Mountain at Disneyland...seriously, this place is my happiest place on earth.
...And I guess the cost of entrance doesn't hurt my cause either (below). I arrived around 7:30am which was great for beating the 9am stragglers. And just to be clear, it takes place the first Sunday of every month (this coming Sunday).
The Alameda Flea Market puts the "shabby" in "shabby chic".
One man was selling an abundance of old military gear that had been used in the military and then as props in Hollywood films. I bought 5 of these sturdy shoulder book-bags (4 of which I've since given away)...$4 total. 
I left filled with creative inspiration. They had everything from old junk cameras, to jewelery to books etc. the only rule: everything must be 20+ years old.
I wish I would have picked up a business card from this "lot"...very reminiscent of Restoration Hardware, which I love.
And of all the hundreds of items I passed, the below is what I left with (minus the wheeling cart):
Chicken coop nesting floor (never used), light blue wooden frame, metal heart, watering can, book bags. Stay tuned for how I use them!


  1. intriguing. i'm looking forward to seeing what you saw in those items!

  2. Thanks for following, Yosh! ...And commenting for that matter ;)
